Pork Belly Banh Mi

Pork Belly Banh Mi

Menu Concept

This sandwich features seared pork belly topped with Jalapeños, pickled carrot and cabbage slaw, Cilantro served on a crusty baguette smeared with Creamy Ginger Pepper sauce, so your customer can get layers of global flavor in every bite!



  1. Sandwiches are a great way to showcase exciting sauces with new, unique flavor profiles.
  2. 1 in 4 consumers have heard of banh mi sandwiches. Source: Datassential 2023
  3. Nearly 80% of consumer have heard of pork belly. Source: Datassential 2023
  4. 1 in 3 consumers like/love pork belly. Source: Datassential 2023

Culinary Tips

  • Remove the bread and turn this dish into a trendy rice bowl dish!
  • Skip the baguette and add all these ingredients to a corn tortilla for Vietnamese-inspired street tacos.

Add unique global flavor across five menu items with one versatile ingredient.